Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Construction Update

I'm not supposed to photograph her, but sometimes I can't help it. We drove out to install a mailbox, put up some numbers, drop off some pavers, and check-in on the comings and goings of our future home.

The shutters and gutters aren't up, but the house is almost done.

One of the inspectors from Mitchel Homes was out checking up on the progress and he was nice enough to walk around with us.

He and Carrie compared notes and talked about whatever was pointed out.

The biggest item was the septic tank. It had settled and the torrential downpours wore troughs around it. Someone must have hit the top pipe with a tire and cracked it, as well. The guy made a call to get it looked at and get some dirt moved to grade the area in our front steps to meet county code.

The inspector used blue painter's tape to mark locations and notes at whatever needed to be looked at.

I took a quick picture of his checklist out of curiosity. Mitchell Homes has been very upfront and honest to my knowledge. Carrie's been very happy with them throughout the process.

Whenever they'd made a mistake, they've been quick to correct it. Carrie was relieved to see the column was removed. 

She was annoyed things needed to be patched, but happy with how they came out.

She's really looking forward to her new shower.

It seems crazy extravagant to me now that I see it in person. I prefer the smaller variety. Smaller even than the one in our guest bedroom, but that's me.

It's still a little surreal seeing everything. It's like it's someone else's house. I don't think Carrie feels that way, though. She's invested! She takes a ton of pictures and videos and sends them to Grandma and Grandpa to discuss.

Random: Sometimes there's miscommunication and appointments missed and people have to be patient. Doesn't matter where or who you are. 

The barn remains a work far behind in progress. The crew wasn't out working on it when we showed up either. It's a constant source of stress for Carrie. 

The barn being finished will save us a chunk of money that we're paying to board our horses at different barns. Carrie's even paying a trainer to ride Samwise each week since she has felt unable to ride him herself.

We started to work on our tasks when the tour was finished. Code required the address to be 4 inch or larger numbers visible from the road. Carrie put up 5-inchers with painter's tape and gorilla glue.

We also needed to put in a mailbox to close on the house and get a certificate of occupancy. 

Eventually, we want the mailbox off a wooden fence post. The barn guys haven't come close to starting on the fence, though, so we needed to put up something.

Carrie used a big, mallet to knock the pole into the ground. Then we had to drive to the hardware store to get a hacksaw to cut off the deformed part.

The last steps were the decorations and numbers. It was a bit odd working next to a 55 mph road, but that's going to be a natural part of life out here.

It looks good!

The easiest task was the pavers. County code said, "Have them." So we did.

The final walkthrough is scheduled for Friday. I don't know how they're going to finish all the rough edges, but it looks like we'll close on time. There are still some outstanding permits and processes that the County needs to go through that has Carrie worried, but I bet it works out. There's plenty of money on the line for people and that tends to motivate. If we are delayed a few days it won't hurt much in my mind, but I don't think we'll have to sweat it (Now if only Carrie would believe me!).

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