Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Setting up the new home!

The morning brought new perspective: The barn roof wasn't FUBARed. Either Carrie was wrong or there was a miracle (Possibly both?). The color of the roof changes throughout the day as more light reflects off of it.

The barn crew was back and working again. They're putting up the walls of the barn now. 

Scott doesn't seem to do anything except sleep in his truck, drive, and try to tell us what we want to hear. He was hoping for another small check, but Carrie put her foot down. She said that the next check will be written when work is done. The contract says work was supposed to be completed by July 1st.  Scott's telling us the barn will be finished this week and they will start on the arena next, but we've heard similar things before. Carrie's not buying it. The crew shows up around 7 AM and works until 1 PM each day before heading out.

Regardless, Carrie and I had a lot of moving in to do. We spent most of the day moving things in from the garage (and out of the heat) and positioning them near where they'll probably belong.

It makes for a clutter house, but it's much nicer to deal with the clutter in the air conditioning than in the garage.

We found out that a certificate of occupancy was issued! Carrie was told it was issued "Yesterday." She called the office three times on Monday by my count. It was either issued late at night, back-dated, or not communicated to whoever was on the phone. No hotel needed Tuesday!

We started to try and get "big" items in place to build around. For example, we assembled the mattress for the guest bedroom. Our own bed frame won't be delivered until August. We have some other deliveries scheduled for Wednesday, but I've largely been out of the process (mostly by choice).

We drove into the city again for a lunch/grocery run and to drop off the U-Haul. The door was closed and it looked like the guy was on an unadvertised lunch break again. Someone who was there before us drove away after a few minutes. No one answered the phone and I didn't want to sit around, so we drove by the storage center to fill up the Subaru. I rode home with a TV in my lap.

We drove back to the U-Haul to check out and went up to the door this time. There was a tattered paper note that said, "Closed Tuesdays." Of course, when you turned around and looked at the big sign by the road, it said "9-5 M-F," but the day off seemed in character with what we'd observed so far.

We had unpacking to do, so we left the key in the box and hoped it didn't fall into the wall or get carried off by mice.

We pulled our new mattress out of the box when we got back. A king size mattress was not on my "must have" list, but we saw it in Costco. Carrie was intrigued. The price checked out and then I saw the mattress came in a box...with wheels! Now, I was intrigued.

Easiest mattress for moving ever. I was able to singlehandedly bring it into the house and steer it into our room. We pulled it out of the box, poked some holes in the plastic, and it began to self-inflate/decompress.

If Shane were here, I'd peg him with my new, giant, plastic-wrap ball.

Our last task of the night was a fun one: We teamed up to build a desk. 

We spent an hour getting organized and putting together the base pieces and drawers. We hit a "Choose Your Own Adventure" moment in the instructions where Carrie had to decide if she wanted the drawers on the left or right. She decided to sleep on it.

We were henceforth on break and retreated to the living room and kitchen. Carrie's been working on pots and plates on and off throughout the whole day. The dishwasher has been knocking off storage dust and refreshing everything in a shakedown run.

It gets dark outside in the country. That was expected (and even welcomed), but I wonder how that will feel in the winter. It makes me think of places like Alaska and Shetland with the days of light and the days of night, but we won't get anything that extreme here. This is Virginia.

I hopped online to test our internet for gaming and it limped to the finish line. I was disconnected a couple of times and that seemed to match whenever Carrie loaded up something on Netflix.

We ordered an antennae that's supposed to help with connectivity that should arrive Thursday. I already uploaded a bunch of drafts and photos for the blog to backfill, but I'll see how fast the upload speeds are when I put up our move-in pictures.

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