Saturday, July 6, 2019

Patrick's Bachelor Party!

Patrick's getting hitched. Hooray for Patrick! Patrick, Matt, Andy, Andrew, and I met up at Burger Bach in Richmond to celebrate.

The burgers were great, but we were all upset it was pronounced "Burger Batch" as in a New Zealand beach house. We thought it was "Burger Bock," and would have classical burgers. 

After a hearty meal, we gathered at the house for the night. Andy did a lot of work coming up with schedules, reservations, and accommodations. The rest of us showed up to have fun and split the cost (except for Patrick!). 

Matt volunteered to drive so that we wouldn't have to pay for an Uber or Lyft. He crammed Aiden's carseat into the trunk and then we all crammed into the car. Patrick got shotgun.

There was a slight mixup when our directions made us hop on an automatic toll road. The toll was only 60 cents, but no one had change. Matt threw in a pen to hopefully smooth our passage over. No word on if it worked yet (Maybe it was only a 50 cent pen?).

Our first stop at the night was a brewery in Scott's addition. We each had about two beers and talked for two hours (save Matt as the driver - He stopped at one).

The company was the focus of the day, not the drinks. The brewery had some strange, funky, friendly(?) brews. Patrick might have had a third, but it was the weirdest tasting sour/tangy fail of a beer that would become a joke for the rest of the night (along with Bach vs Batch!).

We regrouped at the house afterward. This time we avoided the toll, because we were out of change AND pens.

Our dinner reservation for the night was a short walk through Carytown away. We went to PBC for pizza.

They had an eclectic menu including a thai pizza Matt and I split.

Fond memories were discussed.....such as when Patrick and Andrew tried to drink a gallon of milk and Patrick threw up in Andy's yard (much to Andy's confusion).

The smack talk for Smash Bros started earlier in the day. Andrew was the resident expert and predicted to win after we got back to the house.

And win he did! Matt got a win with Donkey Kong, Patrick won with the pill throwing Dr Mario, and I think Andy won a round, as well.

I was terrible. I haven't played Smash Bros since the N64 and I barely played it then! That gave me time to commentate and take a few pictures.

The house was a creaky old thing that no burglar would be able to break into unheard. There was a 'basement' crawl space we joked about making someone sleep in at the foot of the stairs and the only bathroom was on the second floor. I slept on the couch and Matt claimed the inflatable mattress in the dining room (Andy was too tall to be subjected to it).

Matt fought the coffee machine into submission the next morning. He and I were up early. Andy had provided higher quality k-cups by walking to a store last night. 

Patrick had trouble sleeping and ate an orange that he said tore up his stomach. He only had about four beers throughout the night I know of, but he was feeling rough the next morning. Poor guy! While he was monopolizing the bathroom, Matt and I had to use the yard to relieve ourselves.

We walked to a diner for brunch and farewells. Patrick drove and parked out front. We got stuffed and said our goodbyes (I had trailer park pancakes and they were delicious!).

One-Eyed Jacques was across the street from the diner and I couldn't resist stopping by a game store. Andy and Andrew went with me and I picked up a ding and dent game for cheap.

From there, we walked back by an ATM, met a local, and said our goodbyes. I drove back to Carrie and Shane and was home before 1 PM. I told Carrie about the night and then got wrapped up trying to help solve a travel crisis, but that's another story.

Congratulations to Patrick! Hang-outs are my favorite type of parties. It's great fun being able to walk around with a group of friends and have simple fun together. We never had time for any of the board games anyone brought, but that was just a sign we kept busy in other ways.

1 comment:

  1. I so loved reading this and seeing the pictures. Thank you, Mike!
