Saturday, July 20, 2019

Meanwhile, Shane

Throughout our moving adventures, Shane's been having a ball at Camp Nana-Pop. He went to VBS from Sunday to Thursday. Cole's out of town, so it was a good chance to meet other kids. Not that Shane had any trouble with that.

Nana introduced Shane to Shay and Piper (?) across the street. He met a 13 year old friend at the pool who claimed to be 16, and who knows who else! Nana spent the weekend volunteering with a youth prison ministry, so Pop picked up Minecraft for the Switch to help entertain Shane. 

I would have needed to take notes to keep track of everything they did and I didn't.

Two stories that stuck out:

1) The 'cut' - Shane cut himself playing with a toy. They way he described it, the protective cover came off a 'football-like' toy and the metal cut him when he tried to catch it. He talked about how it hurt and how it was treated and made it sound like he needed stitches. I was skeptical, and chose not to really react or pass on the information to Carrie. Pop was laughing on the other end and sent me a text later. He thought it was funny how much Shane talked up his 'papercut.' 

2) The snake - Nana called one night to say hello, but a snake appeared. She screamed and it frightened Indy so bad she refused to poop! "The boys" (Shane and Pop) came out and were fascinated. From what I could tell, Nana was standing on the porch talking to me and occasionally stopping to yell, "SHANE! Get back! Are you crazy!?!?" I was ear to ear smiling. I could visualize the whole scene playing out. "The snake is climbing a tree! Indy and I are getting out of here. Those crazy boys won't leave it alone!" Nana said.

Pop sent an email later. It was a black racer snake. "This one was about 3 feet long and climbed right up a tree.  Pretty cool.  Dad  "

This past week, Kathleen, Stu, and crew were back in down. They've made what seem to be daily pool trips.

Nana started to send me pictures.

I called to check in one night, but they were busy with water guns and splashing around.

Ka said, "Shane's a fish!" He loves to swim.

Kathleen started sending me pictures, too.

She said Shane wanted pictures taken of all his creations.

Cole doesn't seem to mind the camera either (At one point, Ka had a small youtube channel for videos he wanted to make).

The girls just like to be in on the action....sometimes.

Ka sent this picture a different day. She's invited Shane over for play-dates at her house.

She said that she had to boost Cole up into the tree for these shots. He wanted to follow Shane!

I got a text on Saturday that everyone went to Frankie's Fun Park on Saturday.

Shane and Cole ran around in the play structure, but the girls weren't interested (Which surprised me. Tenley seems like she's an adventurer at heart).

My siblings and I always loved climbing and running around in those. 

The boys got a double treat: They got to play their first game of laser tag! I wish I had been there!

I might have wanted to have joined the other team if I was feeling competitive, though!  Shane was Bulls Eye and Cole was Dark Knight. "I lost points for shooting my own base!" Shane said.

They had a blast. Shane told me he had a strategy to climb next time, but I told him that was considered "out of bounds," ha ha!

Nana's seen a few movies with the boy that I know of, too. They went to see Smallfoot during the week, and then Monday the 22nd, Shane told me they'd gone to see the redone Lion King! Carrie made a jealous face, but we were en route for our own adventure then (She loves to do family movie trips!).

Shane's in good hands. He wants to tell me about whatever legendary Pokemon he caught (or almost caught) each day when he calls and I have to direct him away from video game talk and more towards people and activities talk. He's trying to joke around on the phone some, but he doesn't have the knack for it, yet!

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