Thursday, January 9, 2020

Barn Musings

Lots of rain means lots of mud.

"Have you done barn chores yet?" Shane asked.


"Okay!" Shane walked away.

Why would he want to know about me doing barn chores, you ask?

Because he wants to use my computer while I'm gone. I let him do it a couple of times (seemed efficient) and now he's very interested in whenever I'm out of the house.

Loki's the same way, but he's more loyal. He wants to go out with me!

....and then he'd love to run off and chase cars, so it's only a little more loyal.

I would have made record time in clearing the barn out the other night except for this:

I opened up Eddy's stall to let him out and he was preoccupied. I sat there for a couple of minutes trying to coax him out while all he wanted to do was rub his butt all over the stall wall. After a couple of minutes, I pulled out the camera. I've got three minutes of proof before I got bored cracking jokes, shut the door, and went to work on the mares' side.

It's been unseasonably warm. Everything goes faster when I don't have to fiddle with blankets.

I gave Sam his lube, too.

"It's not lube! Stop calling it lube!" Carrie said.

It's apple flavored lube. Says it right on the bottle

The "HA" feels really appropriate. The people who named the product know what they named their product!

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