Sunday, January 5, 2020

Last Day of Break

Today was it. The winter break finale.

New for the day, was Nick visiting to finish the new stall doors.

Carrie played assistant while I managed horse chores, Loki, and Shane.

We had plans to meet the cousins at 1 PM in Richmond for lunch. Originally, I was going to go to The Point to be closer to the Interstate. I didn't get in from horse chores and random help until 9:15 AM, though. It was a 20 minute drive and the 9:30 AM service wasn't happening. I made Shane bathe and gambled on going to the small local church at 11 AM.

I thought, "[The local church] has gotten out early before. The Point rarely does and we'll be close enough Carrie could meet us or we can drive back for her. It's on the back-road route she likes. She'd have to come to the Point to meet us and I bet she runs late working on the barn, anyway."

I was wrong on multiple levels.

The other interim pastor was the one who we perpetually got out early with. The service ran 22 minutes early. It was a communion Sunday and I didn't want to miss out. I texted Carrie we'd be home in 8 and then the time nearly tripled! A woman stopped me to ask a question as I was trying to herd Shane out and it took a few minutes to politely make our exit.

Meanwhile, there was a bad crash on 20. Nick got the call (He's a volunteer emergency responder). He left to help which meant Carrie was done early on the barn. She was showered, dressed, ready, and waiting by the garage door by noon texting, "Where are you!?"

It's about an hour and ten minutes to Short Pump from where we are. We didn't pull up to the house until 12:27 PM, so we were running late-late. Carrie was upset.

We got in the car and got underway as quickly as I could get us going safely (A ticket or a crash takes more time and costs more cash than anyone should want to risk). I was praying the whole way! We made good time and arrived at 1:35 PM.

Luckily, the cousins were running a little late themselves. They got to the restaurant and walked around for a bit, but we showed up within 10 minutes of them, I think.

We all met at Kabuto Japanese Steakhouse.

The restaurant fits into Carrie and I's personal history. It's where I was introduced to Mom-Mom when we were dating. "He's too short," was Mom-Mom's first impression of me! "And too casual."

I won her over eventually!

We were celebrating Nate's birthday a few days early.

I had a harder time getting pictures of him, because he was on the opposite side of the table! Nate got to hang out between Grandpa and Grandma. At the end of the meal, the hostess brought out a gong and they sang "Happy Birthday!"

Noah, Sophia, and Shane sat on our end.

Shane has been to a teppanyaki grill before, but he didn't seem to remember it well. He kept calling the cuisine "Chinese" food.

"Chinese, Japanese, whatever! They're all the same." he said.

"Not even close kid." 

Shane didn't want to admit he was wrong and got some looks when he was corrected.

Noah's look was probably from noticing I had my camera out, though. It fit well with the narrative, though!

The soup was a hit.

Everyone enjoyed the salad, too. Carrie wanted me to get a picture of Shane eating his ("Proof!"), but he was constantly talking to Sophia and I had my own soup to eat (Carrie stole most of the salad!).

The kids all loved it when the chef came out. He started to flip eggs into his hat and juggle utensils.

When he offered to throw rice I volunteered to be the first. Carrie went second and the chef worked around the table.

Carrie caught it, but Shane and I had no luck! I blame the throws!

The chef went around the table: Sophia, Noah, Chris, and Nate all tried. I caught a part of it on video.

There were lots of good smiles going on.

I focused my pictures on the kids on my side of the table. I noticed Rachel had her camera out, so she may have got some good shots from other angles.

The chef offered Shane some special sauce. He was afraid it would be spicy and turned it down! I insisted he'd like it and soon there were more laughs!

The fire was a lot of fun!

Nate got birthday pineapple that he shared around the table. It was a fun family moment. The cousins will be heading up to their new home next Saturday. Chris already started work and was in for a weekend visit before heading back.

Carrie spent the end of the meal talking to Chris and Rachel about Triple R camp. We almost sent Shane last year, but the move affected everything.

It would be fun if Shane and Sophia both got to spend their first overnight camp experience together some. I want Shane to go to a camp for fun and to build independence. Going away for a week was a little scary at the start from what I remember, but I have good memories of being at Camp Highroad with Bill. I eventually worked at a summer camp when I was in high school (more great memories!).

Nate and Shane got squirrelly by the end of the meal. Shane was trying to breakdance/spin-drill while Nate jumped over his legs whenever they came around!

I let it go on for a little bit, but when Shane didn't pay attention to servers trying to walk by it was time to cut it out. It was a good cue for everyone to pop up and make our way to the door (and mints!).

We traded some stuff and said our goodbyes in the parking lot. I may have thrown a pokeball at Sophia.

"I'm going to miss them," Shane said. 

He and I both wish that more of our friends lived closer together, but at least people are in driving distance. The Cassano-cousins were all the way in Signapore and Italy, so this is way closer for them!

We hit up Lowe's on the way home and came back to find our power was out. The wreck that Nick had been called away must have hit a power pole. We didn't get power back until 7 PM! 

We played some cards by flashlight until then. Shane was upset, because he said he didn't want to play and then when we started without him he changed his mind. Then when he stayed underfoot, chased the dog, and sang in our ears we got annoyed and he couldn't understand why! He did play some with us, but he was ready for some electronics when the power came back on and I had to go out for horse chores.

And so ended our winter break! I was looking forward to Shane going back to school and a little reticent about going back myself. I had enough of a plan that I wasn't going to be swamped from the start, at least. 

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