Sunday, January 26, 2020

Barn Stuff Sunday

Kitty and Annie continue to be a two-headed monster. The only time they separate is when stalled (and even then they're in stalls next to each other).

Carrie took a picture of Kitty's rain rot when she arrived.

She's been applying treatment to it and the open sores have closed.

The sores still hurt, though. Kitty's persnickety with blanketing. She flattens her ears and you have to watch her head. She swings it around threatening to bite. She backs down when I catch her, so I haven't been caught yet.

So why do we keep blanketing her? She's got barely any fat or winter coat. She was originally from Florida. Unfortunately, he winter coat is two parts. You put on the fuzzy blanket (which she hates), and then you put on the waterproof shell (which she hates).

I hope she gets less pissy about the process as her skin continues to heal. I tried to give her some pets and rubs on her neck to soothe her, but she doesn't like to be touched at all.

Mice are still a problem at the barn. I found one in the grain bin I had to dispose of. I can see tunnels in stalls.

The exterminator put poison around the house and we don't have any mice running through our kitchen now. The barn mice have other food sources and Happy the house cat hasn't killed a single one.

Weekend mornings are easier on barn chores, because it's a whole family affair. Carrie wanted to take a picture of me at work. I may have made a face.

Annie helped out on the second picture.

And I made another face.

I was probably making a face when Annie blocked the view, too, but there's no proof!

I smiled after I was done being difficult.


Nibs wasn't around, but they got to meet all the other four-legged furries.

Heidi came while they were looking around and let the kids brush Eddy while she was getting him ready to ride.

The family and Carrie were still out talking while Heidi rode. Shane and I had gone inside by that point.

Shane was excited we had visitors. He was underfoot at the beginning, but horses were old news to him. He wanted to run around. He was a little bummed the older kids all wanted to look at the horses, but Loki kept him company. The boys ran around the arena before Heidi and Eddy came to use it.

Shane collected rocks, too. Lots and lots of rocks which he stuffed into his shirt.

Did I mention he ran around with Loki? There was more of that.

My parenting coup was I arranged a play date with the neighbors. I told Shane to run over and he did!

I watched from the window. The kid met up and bounced on the trampoline for over an hour! Shane said Shelby said she was "Half-vampire" and he was howling and running around as a werewolf (wolves are cooler than vampires!).

It was a little odd watching Shane run off into the distance, but he's got to learn to be independent. I'd look at the window every now and then and see everyone bouncing. I'm hoping there will be many more trampoline meet ups as the weather gets warmer!


  1. I was delighted to read a new post from you this morning. Your posts are always super interesting. I'm so glad that Shane can jump on a trampoline with friends. You always loved doing that. Does that family go to church? You always loved playing with neighborhood kids. How nice that there are kids next door to you in your new location. That sunshine looks good. We finally have sunshine here after 2 weeks of grey or rainy skies.

  2. Annie is such a beautiful horse. That's good that Kitty's rain rot is healing. That looked painful.
