Friday, January 17, 2020

Running on Empty

In her own words, Carrie's been "running on empty." It feels like she's been stressed ever since we decided to move. The level of her stress has ebbed and flowed, but stayed high. 

Winter break came at a good time for me to step up in the barn. She nearly had a conniption the first time I went out without her, but she was too worn out to protest after. Now she relies on my help.

Carrie was in a better state by the end of break. The snow days came at a great time to let me be home and help out more. This wrestling season has been a less active one for me in that I'm not running solo and taking my team somewhere at least once a week. It has ate into my energy, so I'm looking forward to the season ending. I can use that hour and a half each day to help out with dishes and other tasks that have fallen by the wayside (around the house and with work!).

I'm hoping there will be some more snow days ahead to ease us into third quarter. Next year should be easier with the barn established and me modifying materials for work rather than building from scratch. 

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