Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Life with Smartphones: Shopping via camera

It had been the night of the district wrestling meet, but it was cancelled. Western wanted to run a tournament that was called off and somehow had the pull to make the ADs agree to move the district the same week as the regional meet.

Which is a bit crazy.

The team would wrestle Wednesday night for districts and then anyone who survived would wrestle in the regional Saturday morning.

Our regional tournament was scheduled a week ahead of the other regions in the state for some reason, too. 

But that's not the story for tonight.

Tonight, I went to Costco after work. I went with Carrie....sort of.

I knew all of the usual things to get, but I asked Carrie for a supplemental list. Then I took pictures and had her make final selections based on what she'd cook!

The marinara sauce was too expensive for her liking.

I went a little overboard in one area: Salsa.

I had a craving. There was a tasting station for the Sunbelt organic and it was amazing. I didn't care that it cost as much as the Kirkland pair. I bought both.

UPDATE: And I went through it. Both the Sunbelt which was refreshing and the Kirkland which had a slight kick. I bought a second bag of chips when I ran out. Delicious!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that you like salsa. You used to refuse to eat tomatoes as a kid.Your tastes greatly expanded after you married Carrie.
