Monday, January 13, 2020

Nibs is Away

It was an emotional Monday for Carrie. She stalled all the horses during morning feeding, so that she could load Nibs up onto the trailer.

Nibs is going to Staunton for training for the next several months. Carrie's broken horses before (aka taught them how to be ridden under saddle), but she decided she'd outsource the risk and energy. Nibs is super friendly to people, so hopefully she won't be too much trouble. It's how she relates to other horses that's the problem.

We are hoping that Nibs will have a better attitude once she's a 'working' horse. Carrie then hopes riding/exercise will help work out any nervous or excess energy Nibs may have so that she can live peacefully with her pasture mates. We've had her in the dry lot, but that's not a long term solution.

It costs a little to send her away, but we'll be saving some on food (and labor!). Nibs eats more than anyone else at the barn. She's over a third of the food bill for five horses (I'll do some math later, but it may be she eats as much as 40% of the grains, etc).

Carrie sent me a picture of Nib's and her new neighbor checking each other out.

We hope Nibs behaves and learns well! It sounds like the trainer can handle her shenanigans.

Carrie said that the woman who will be training Nibs has a competition level horse who also dislikes other horses. Her boy got persnickety and kicked through a stall wall. He needed surgery and will be out of competition condition for nearly a year.


1 comment:

  1. Poor Carrie. We know this breaks her heart. We'll be praying for her. It was heartbreaking for us to send Patrick to Fork Union Military School, but it was what he needed and he came back with a much better attitude. I hope it works for Nibs, too.

