Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Expectations Vs Reality About Being Home

I'd have thought being at home would be more of a vacation. I almost bought Civilization VI on sale, so I'd "have something to do." 

I caught myself and saved the money. "I have a ton of games I haven't played in a while....both video and board! I'll have plenty of time to game in the coming days."


I bought two board games in March: Chronicles of Crime and an expansion for Smash Up. They've been my first purchases since October

Carrie and I played the tutorial for Chronicles of Crime one day.

And that was it. We've played a few games of Rummy and Four Kings here and there, but we've done next to zero gaming together. We have spent plenty of time together, but she hasn't had the energy/brainpower for much gaming.

I've played more with Shane, but that's still only a few games. He played a couple of hands of Rummy with us and I showed him how to play the Sword Art Online Dice Game.

He's asked for other games, but it's always been when he's supposed to be doing something else or I'm in the middle of a work meeting. When it's a good time, he's moved on!

The one time it did work out was when Shane wanted to play Harry Potter Hogwarts Battle. Carrie joined us and we all played! We got through Year 1 and 2.

I thought there'd be a nightly video games, too, but that's only been true for Shane. Carrie and I haven't run anything together in WoW for two weeks. I've logged on a few times to say hi to people, but I don't think Carrie has logged on at all.

The most gaming I saw Carrie do is let Shane watch her try a speed run of Portal. Shane's playing through Portal 2 and I may have challenged Carrie. "How fast do you think you could beat Portal? Nah! There's no way you could do it that fast!"

Shane played a lot of Sim City in his room the first week of break. He tried Super Punch Out, Street Fighter, and some Donkey Kong Country on the SNES emulator that first week, as well, but it's fallen out of favor since. Shane really wants to use my computer (which means I can't use it!). If he can't have the computer, he wants to stream something on TV (which cuts off the good internet if we use SmartConnect, but we don't always).

So it has not been a gamer's paradise this week unless you're a 9 year old boy.....and our 9 year old is so social that he'd rather have someone watch him play than just play on his own. He likes to narrate a lot of what he's doing even when you're sitting on the couch with a book!

I have gotten a fair amount of reading done. It would be more, but whenever I pull out my book it signals to Shane I'm about to become an immobile audience!

We have done an okay job of getting outside. 

There was a wet and cold streak, but it's definitely spring!

Shane picked some flowers for Carrie one day.

I can sometimes send Shane and Loki out on their own, but it normally doesn't last for very long. The longest Shane has been outside on his own climbing around the hay is half an hour. He really wants a corona-buddy!

I'd love to find him a corona-buddy, too. There's got to be another family cooped up and not going anywhere who'd like to trade the kids back and forth every other day or so! I'd even help with homeschooling!

Carrie's had Imperfect Foods delivering, so I was hoping to eat like a multiple times every day. She has made homemade waffles and cooked multiple times, but our routine is more mundane.

Breakfast for me is usually a bagel and coffee. Shane likes to get Belvitas or Pop Tarts. Carrie gets coffee.

Lunch is usually something simple. Meat, peanut butter, bread, and/or leftovers. Shane would love to snack all day every day, so the rule is lunch is at noon(ish).

Dinner is when things can get interesting. Carrie's a fantastic cook. However, it takes energy. If she's too tired from the day's work I normally prepare something simple (taquitos, bagel bites, mac and cheese, etc). Carrie cooking also makes for a lot of dishes which I haven't always cleaned all of (I'm busy, too! Dishes aren't my chore of choice!).

Work, Shane, and horses keep me busy most of the day.

You'd think the horses would love all the extra love they and the barn have gotten, but look at the tip Kitty left us in her food bowl!

Any other horse I'd think it's an accident. She's got attitude in spades!

I guess the horses have had their own reality shock when it comes to spring. The grass is growing, but Maddy and Sam got muzzles.

Brand new grass is 'extra rich,' and equines on diets need to slow down their munching. They can both still eat, but neither one is very happy about the change!

All jokes aside, I think the barn has been good for Carrie. With the collapse of the travel industry and lack of any income from it giving lessons and doing handywoman work has kept her very busy! (And Carrie, Grandpa, and Grandma are literally getting nothing for all the cancelled trips. They're paid commission through the supplier, so no trip means no pay).

Life is good here even if it hasn't been as expected. I like being home. I would rate it as "Good' and not 'Great,' because of being cooped up and not being able to finish the school year. If not for the downside of the coronavirus, staying home would be like summer with better weather!

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