Sunday, March 22, 2020

COVID 19 - The Coronavirus: Pet Paradise?

If Shane and I were able to roam freely and visit friends it would feel like summer with better weather (I'll take cold rain over 100 degrees!).

We can't. That makes it less than perfect, but it's still been good to be home even in the circumstances.

Who really enjoys us being home all day has to be Loki. It's like a dog dream come true! He's always excited about going outside and meeting new people. He likes to scope out the yard and with us home he gets out more.

Any time I leave the house, Loki wants to go with. He stalks the bathroom and bedroom door, too!

He's even been getting braver about the barn. As long as he can stay near his people (and there are no horses in sight or making loud noises), Loki is happy to be near us.

I try to take him out once a day to pace cars. Sometimes Shane and I will take him for a lap around the property (it helps get out some Shane energy, too).

Loki's been a big fan of lacrosse practice. Shane will chase him or Loki will chase whatever we throw.

Funny moment: Shane and I took a ball with us while we took Loki around the property. He liked playing fetch, but I didn't like when he caught a ball, dropped it, and marked it! What a way to kill a game! I wiped it down in the wet grass before we kept walking on.

On the downside, I've been a little worried about Loki swallowing gravel dust the ball picks up from the arena (his slobber makes it stick). Loki had a poop that confirmed my suspicions.

Loki seemed like he was constipated for a day or so and I instituted a poop-watch. He likes cardboard, hay, and paper towels which while fibrous don't count as fiber.

He's lost a lot of interest in his food. I thought it was from constipation, but it could be he's just sick of it. What he really wants is wet food like the cats.

Carrie started using wet cat food to hide dewormer medicine for Happy. Since the can was already open, she started to dish out the rest to Bucket and Max. Shane thought it was funny how the cats all swarmed Carrie in the mornings and he took over!

Happy is the biggest scavenger of the three. She's jumped up on the counter to try and eat right from the can as Shane is dishing out. Loki has to be penned so the cats can eat in peace.

He's happy to lick clean all their bowls when we let him out!

The animals are all getting along fairly well. Bucket still wants nothing to do with Loki, but she doesn't have explosive, stress diarrhea chasing her around the house. Max prefers the dog to give her space, and goes about her business whether he does or not.

Happy, however, seems to have bonded with Loki. She will bunk him as he tries to lick her ears (or her butt. Gross!).

Not that sudden movements won't spook her! Happy was curious about my drink and didn't realize Loki was sleeping on the floor beneath her.

"Friend!?" He popped up and Happy went into an acrobatics mode! She spun in the area and took flight!

She didn't go far before she realized it was her knucklehead friend.

And she came right back. Like I said, she's a scavenger and not easily deterred.

I've seen tolerant cats before, but Happy takes the cake (Figuratively. She'd run off with cake if you let her.). She lets the dog poke, prod, lick, sniff, paw, and generally annoy her usually without complaint. Same with Shane.

Happy has used her claws a time or two to tell puppers when to back off, but she forgives fairly quick. Honestly, his coat is so thick I think there have been other times she's been pissed and using full claws while he bobs around completely unaware. "Troo, la roo! Buddy! Pal!"

The only time I've heard Happy hiss is when dealing with the other cats. She's forced her way out of Shane's room and more into the common area. There have been a few minor spats, but nothing more than a swipe or two.

Meanwhile, Max has moved in where has Happy moved out. She's taken to lurking in Shane and the guest bedroom during the day to sleep.

She's even taken a shine to Shane's kitty hotel!

Bucket spends most of her day hiding. She's got some usual haunts like behind the curtains (Oh, look! Barf for me to clean up later).

If it's quiet and there are people, though...

Bucket is quick to come out and say hello. She doesn't like noise and she doesn't like high energy, but she likes laps and pets.

She'll happily perch on Shane with a blanket if he's willing to sit still long enough for her to settle in! She'll take a nap till he stirs or the dog strays too close.

While they don't get along all the time, I know all the pets are happy to have their people around. I don't think they see any downside to the quarantine at all!

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