Sunday, March 1, 2020

Dial It Down, Sunday

Sunday! A day of rest!

Carrie braided Annie's hair and worked with her in the arena.

Annie's making progress. Heidi came by and it was a horse day for Carrie.

Shane and I went to church and then I taught him how to play Memoir '44 after. It's a history game about WW2 I borrowed from John.

Loki ate a couple of pieces that dropped on the floor. He loves cardboard.

Loki peed when I yelled at him.

Shane rolled really well and won! I missed a rule about sandbags making him roll one less dice against me, but him winning may mean he'll be more willing to play again in the future.

I was happy to lose the battle to win the war on future boredom!

I spent a fair amount of time outside and helping out. I discovered a gross friend in Annie's poop.

It was at least a six inch long roundworm. I took a picture in case we needed to show a vet, but Carrie just grunted and said, "Time to worm her." For such a full grown worm, Carrie thinks Annie came from Sonya's with them.

Shane and I did manage an afternoon play date. We met the Cartwrights at Dorrier Park.

Claire wasn't there, because she was selling Girl Scout cookies. Logan brought his Nerf guns and Julia grabbed the ammo and ran off. Shane tried to get the ammo back for Logan, but it ended up a free for all.

Their dad, Alex (?), had a single shot nerf rifle and got involved in the running around. Shane told him to "pull up his pants" because he could see his butt crack!

"HVAC crack is worse than plumber's!" Corrie said (the mom - not sure on spelling).

The kids all enjoyed running around. Shane opened up a store where he started to sell ammo and other things. Logan accidentally shot himself looking down the barrel of his gun, got upset, and broke it.

It wasn't the longest play date, but it got some energy out.

I reached out to Shelby's family, as well, but their kids were all sick. That left horse chores and hanging out to finish up the weekend.

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