Saturday, February 29, 2020

How much can you fit in a day?

We went for a record amount of activity today.

First, there was horse chores. Second, there was TKD.

After TKD, I visited a wrestling friend who coaches lacrosse. He had some gear for Shane to borrow.

Shane really liked the gear. He was so excited about 'armoring up' for lacrosse he wore the helmet to the recycling center (our next stop!).

I told Shane we were going by 5th Street Station next. He kept asking about food the whole way and I said, "Maybe we'll get something there."

What he didn't know was that Carrie was waiting for him! They went to a SPCA fundraiser at the Alamo Drafthouse. They had lunch and watched a ton of funny cat videos together!

Meanwhile, I slid over to Panera for lunch. Then I drove north to attend Prezcon.

Prezcon is a board game convention. I've known about it for years and been curious, but never attended. This year, I decided I'd take a look.

It's funny how going to something brand new can make you a little nervous. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but adventure called!

There were lots of tournaments for popular board games with scheduled heats. If I were to go again, I would be interested in those. However, today was a scouting mission. I paid $30 for open gaming and then wandered around. There was a game library and tables downstairs.

There weren't a lot of tables open. Most people were already involved in games. Maybe my timing was off, but it's probably easier when you come with a group or meet people in the scheduled games.

There was a sign for someone play-testing a game they designed. I took the plunge and said I was in.

It was a hidden movement game with one vs all. A team of people were people and one person controlled the dinosaurs trying to eat the people.

Naturally, I played the dinosaurs!

It was a fun time! However, it wasn't Carrie's style of game and she's my 'game group,' so it won't hit my wish list any time soon. I wish the guy the best, though! I understand that desire to create something and it takes a brave person to put themselves out there for criticism. 

I found a silent auction and used games for sale area afterward, but it was already highly picked over. There were some things I was curious about, but they turned out to be expansions or parts of systems I didn't own. That meant I saved my money and walked away.

There was an auction underway, as well. If there was something I wanted, I didn't stick around to find out.

I probably could have stayed longer, but there were things that needed to be done. I stopped by Lowe's with a bunch of old batteries to recycle and was told "rechargeable only, please."

Then I dropped by Play it Again Sports. Shane's going to try lacrosse this spring (if you didn't already figure that out), so I needed to pick up gear. He wasn't with me, so I had to guess at sizes.

Gas and Costco were next! It was an eclectic shopping list today. Carrie wanted corn oil to help put more meat on Kitty's bones and I got enough Irish cream for a year's worth of Irish coffees and cooking.

And milk. We were low on milk.

I made it home in time for some cleaning and horse chores. 

I slept well.

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