Thursday, February 6, 2020

Happy Update

Happy cat has become a Happy house cat instead of a Happy barn cat. Carrie's doubting she was ever barn cat material to being with. Even with the cat door installed, she chooses not to leave her room. She's content to stay in the guest bedroom and go no further. The one time she got out of the barn, she came back. Carrie has put Happy in other rooms of the house, but she always runs back to her safe spot. 

Honestly, I normally don't see Happy during the day. The only time I see her is when I go into Shane's room. She'll run up and try to be social. If the dog is with me she'll walk up and say hello to him, too.

Carrie and I were a little surprised when Happy started venturing into Shane's room. She's shown so little inclination towards exploring. Shane kept bothering her and leaving the bathroom doors open and one night she decided to go in and snuggle up with him.

Now Carrie finds her sleeping with Shane at least a few times a week! 

I've suggested moving her back to the barn, but I know a losing battle when I see one.

"I wanted a barn cat and fewer mice," I said.

"I can find another barn cat!" Carrie said (way too eagerly).

I'm a little sad, but mostly pleased to report that Happy was not pregnant. Shane and Carrie were bummed, but I don't know what we'd do with a whole litter of kittens (the number of animals around her multiply as is...).

No, Happy's belly was big and round because she was infested with worms. Carrie found them in her litter box and after a couple of rounds of treatment she seems thinner and worm-free. We'll need to get her spayed at some point now.

Max will rarely poke her head into Happy's room, but Bucket seems content to avoid the whole area. There hasn't been any hissing or spats. The cats seem to have an unspoken agreement to stick to their own worlds.

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