Monday, February 24, 2020

Sunday Visitor

Shane and the Cartwrights all played in Sunday School together again. The kids all wanted to play Minecraft together again, but the schedules didn't mesh.

So we found ourselves at home. Shane was dancing on the trailer in the front yard as Loki paced cars. I don't know who was watching who (They were both in their own worlds).

Meanwhile, there was cleaning to do. Carrie washed all the pillowcases from the couch, there was a backload of laundry, dishes, you name it. Shane sort of helped.

We finished the cleaning before our visitor for the day arrived! Henry was happy to see Loki.

The first stop on Shane's agenda was the walking machine! "The limit is 5," Shane said.

So Henry immediately tried to push it to 6. Shane called him out on it, Henry looked at me, and then backed it down!

The funniest moment was all Loki. The dumb dog tried to run across the treadmill in front of Henry. It swept his feet out right from underneath him! Loki hit the conveyor belt feet up and Henry had to jump over him as he was swept away!

Loki spilled off the back end, hopped up, and started barking at the treadmill. He was ok!

I asked the boys if they wanted me to try and call the neighbors for some group fun. Shane was all for it, but Henry declined. 

Instead, Henry wanted to build a fort. Shane thought that was a fantastic idea and they set right to it!

I moved them away from the barn, because Heidi was riding. I told them they were welcome to shop around for materials after she put Eddy back up.

They decided to play on the hay and build their fort there instead. You can do a lot with a tarp and some rebar!

Henry was ready to play Kirby by the time Carrie started to cook dinner. He requested spaghetti and cheesy potatoes.

You can tell both boys are only children by the way they bicker. It's good they get some practice dealing with other kids outside of school!

Shane and Henry have a funny dynamic when they're over here. Shane is excited to have a friend and is extra goofy and dramatic. Meanwhile, Henry tries to play the angel. He corrects Shane's behavior when it's in front of Carrie or I and acts like chores are the coolest thing in the world.

I like to think Shane's learned a little bit of circumspect. Henry just says exactly what he's thinking. "These potatoes aren't as good as last time."

Carrie's eyes popped! "They're exactly the same!"

I pointed out it was the pairing. Some foods go really well together. The last time Henry had cheesy mash it was with BBQ. Situation saved!

Molly came to pick Henry up after dinner. One of these days we'll invite Henry to spend the night and see how that goes.

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