Tuesday, February 11, 2020

School Happenings

Shane was drawing "bosses" when I picked him up from after school. He had an interesting day.

That's because he got to visit my high school! There was a field trip where elementary schools in our feeder pattern took turns gathering for a pep rally of sorts. Dylan's school came the same day as Shane's, so they got to say hi in the gym to each other!

Shane met several of my students while he was here, too. One of the girls in my freshman seminar said he gave her a really hard high five. Another said that he walked into the gym and loudly asked everyone if they knew who I was. "Because I'm his son!"

At least he's not embarrassed of me!

There was one rougher encounter where Shane was in the bathroom and some high schoolers came in. They were talking about something inappropriate and cussing. When Shane came out of the stall, he asked them not to curse around him!

Their first response was surprise and "Who are you to tell us what to do?" Shane asked them if they knew me, and the tune changed. One of them was in my class and Shane said that were very nice after that.

The student in question actually came to see me and told me he saw "my mini." I heard the story from both sides. He explained he hadn't even realized Shane was in the bathroom. There are a few lessons to be learned there, so the seed of wisdom grows.

Also -

I came to school and I heard a noise while I was getting ready.

The custodians never covered the hole in my wall and a mouse found it's way into the glue trap. I contacted the head guy and hoped he'd show up before class started. If not, I was just going to carry on and see if anyone realized we had a visitor! 

The head custodian showed up while there were kids in the room but before morning announcements. There were definitely some surprised customers.

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