Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine's Day 2020 + Lovefest

Valentine's Day was "Lovefest" at my school.

I can't say I'm a fan.

It was an excuse for kids to run a little wild. The day started with a mandatory survey in place of clubs, so all the kids were annoyed to start class and then it was a challenge getting anything done as they all tried to leave.

The rest of the day went well, but that first period of the day was rough.

Originally, I was going to try to plan a "Lovefest Recovery" party with Scott, but due to Shane being sick I went straight home for horse chores.

Shane was much more mobile and on Prodigy and when I got home.

Carrie was mad because I ruined the surprise she'd planned. I didn't do it on purpose!

Carrie bought a small card game for us to play as a family. I found it on Thursday night and ruined the surprise.

I wasn't trying to find it! Carrie's backpack was in this chair underneath my work backpack.

I agreed to let Shane have half an hour on my computer, and I decided to sit close by (Partly to monitor, partly because he kept calling me over to see things). I moved my pack and when I moved Carrie's open backpack I saw the box. I thought it was one of my games and was like, "When did I leave a box in....oh."

If there'd been another chair for me to sit in on that side of the table or her backpack had been zipped I would have remained in the dark! It wasn't my fault! I'm supposed to be observant!

Anyway, it was a low key sick/recovery day. Happy Valentine's Day to all.

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