Sunday, February 23, 2020

Getting Horsey With It

Maddy didn't understand why she was stalled and no one else was.

The two-headed monster looked on curiously. They weren't sure if they wanted to be inside or not.

Heidi's friend Barbara has come out a couple of times to ride Maddy. She's decided to lease her. In layman's speak, Barbara can drop by the barn to ride Maddy whenever she wants.

We expect it will mainly be to hang out with Heidi. Maddy could use the love and the exercise!

Annie and Kitty watched from the dry lot still attached at the hips.

Carrie recommended Barbara bring some carrots as a treat for Maddy to help warm the pony up to her. They worked like a charm! Maddy kept walking up next to her whenever she stepped away hoping for a scratch or a nibble.

Carrie didn't ride with Sam them this time. Instead, she put Annie to work after they left. 

Annie is new to working. Carrie had a trainer come out to start the process last week. She said it was very interesting to watch. Annie's nervous and skittish about everything, but showed a willingness to listen and attempt whatever was asked. 

Carrie started doing groundwork with herself afterward and she's already good progress. Annie doesn't bolt through the gate anymore and is learning that the jumps won't try to eat her. She prefers to circle counter-clockwise with Carrie on her left, but Carrie makes her work both directions. 

I don't know everything, but it looks like a lot of desensitization, manners, and teaching signals. Shaking the rope left and right means to stop. Up and down after stopping made her back up....or at least I think those were some of the cues. Carrie's the real horse brain here.

Kitty's trainer, Madelyn, hasn't been out to work her much. She's in her final year at UVA and is probably fairly busy. She brought Kitty up after she was unhappy with the care Kitty received while she was away at school.

She's been happy with Kitty's transformation under Carrie's care. Here's the original rainrot picture:

And here's the most current:

Kitty's put on a healthy amount of weight while she's been here, too. Carrie's not fully satisfied with how she's filled out yet, but it should continue. It would help if Madelyn made it out more to work her, but she seems overbooked with school, life, and two horses at two different barns.

My personal goal is to avoid getting bit by Kitty until she either welcomes being blanketed or moves on from our farm!

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