Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Garlic First Aid

I had to stay after school for a CPR and First Aid training. As a coach, I was required to take it in case anything bad happened during wrestling season.

That's a little screwy since the season was already over, but it should help for next year. It's a good class for anyone to take.

The high-tech dummies were neat. There was an app to grade you and everything.

Class got out at 6:30 PM. Carrie asked me to pick up a pizza from Wegman's on the way home.

At some point, I saw something on the internet I wanted to try (famous last words?).

Carrie had a whole bunch of garlic in her last Imperfect Foods delivery. Shane found the process ticklish.

He was the first victim. Then Carrie and I did it ourselves.

I don't think I ever tasted it. If I did, it was faint enough it didn't overrule the salsa I had an hour earlier! My nose was stuffy (because my life), but I think my hands smelled garlicky later. Only Carrie applied the garlic, so maybe it did travel some.

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