Saturday, February 8, 2020

The End of Wrestling Season

The district wrestling tournament was Wednesday night. I picked up Shane and we drove out to Fluvanna High School to cheer our team on. I got in for free, but they charged me $8 for Shane (so I paid in change! It got rid of a lot of quarters we had accumulated).

The Charlottesville crew was there, so Shane and Jin goofed off together. Shane spent a long while on my phone. He was so into the electronic world, he didn't hear a wrestler named Nathan sneak up behind him for a scare.

The highlight of the night: One of the heavyweights of another team puked all over the side of the mat in front of his bench. We made sure to sneak in and sit on the other set of benches while our opponent was outside the gym having a mini-pep rally! We lost the match but won the olfactory challenge!

Sadly, none of our wrestlers qualified for regionals. Disha got her first win against another girl, but overall we went out with a whisper.

There was still practice Thursday and Friday just in case someone was called up as an alternate. No one was.

Instead of going to regionals near Lynchburg Saturday, the head coach took Disha and Nathan to a JV tournament at Woodberry Forest. One of the other coaches had been going to cover it, but backed out. 

I had planned on watching some wrestling, so Shane and I drove up! I'd never been to Woodberry Forest and we had a new audiobook (I highly recommend checking out audiobooks online).

Shane got my phone while I was on the mats. We only had two wrestlers close in weight, so there was a lot of downtime between rounds and we went outside to run around campus.

The weather was fantastic and there were plenty of scenic views.

I'm pretty sure the tuition is more than my annual salary. There was a golf course and houses for teachers.

Lots of walls and trees to climb on, too.

The wrestling gym was on the side of a hill, so we could actually step onto the roof from a parking lot.

Shane really wanted to crawl out and look through the skylights, but I was the buzzkill. He settled for exploring and putting berries in the gutters.

Maybe the shrubs are why it's call "Woodberry?"

We stayed through 3 of the 5 rounds before I deemed it "long enough." We stopped by Costco on the way home for food, gas, and groceries (Note to self: Avoid Costco on Saturdays).

Carrie let Loki greet us when we got home. He jumped into the car to make sure it was really us.

And then he jumped into a puddle while Shane was outside playing with him!

So I jumped his dirty butt into a bath!

I needed to look up "how to bathe Shelties" after the fact. Loki is like a sponge and his inner layer absorbs and locks in soap. Even after being submerged and scrubbing there were still bubbles. Then his outer layer dried while the inner stayed wet!

There's always something to do, but I enjoy life. I'm looking forward to having more free time now that wrestling is done.

Until next year!

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