Tuesday, February 25, 2020

But are they delicious?

Carrie signed up for Imperfect foods. It's a service that delivers cheap food that would have been thrown away for cosmetic reasons.

And it's inspired her to cook more! I'm all about this!

We've had chicken fried rice, stuffed spaghetti squash with a Mexican inspired filling, and Japanese curry.

Yes, Shane has eaten all of it!

He's way braver with foods than I ever was.

Carrie made him a quesadilla out of the filling instead of serving it in a squash, but he liked mine!

I'm hoping for many more meals. With wrestling over, the sun staying up longer, and me starting to catch up on everything, I feel like there's more energy in the house. Maybe it's partly because we're all eating better now?

The only downside to more cooking: More clean-up. I need to finish catching up with the school work and blog, so I can get on that.

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