Saturday, March 7, 2020

Patrick's New Pad

Happy birthday, Patrick!

For your birthday weekend, you are entitled to brunch and help moving!

Patrick and Shelby are moving from their townhouse to a house. They had to give three months notice at their current lease (bleh). Nana and Pop had planned to stop by for Patrick's birthday on their way back from setting up Jama's medications. Shane and I planned to drive up and visit everyone, too, so it was a good time to come together as a family and do work, son!

Unfortunately for Shane, he picked up a cold on Thursday. Aunt Dot has been recovering from a rough bout with pneumonia, so he had to stay home with Carrie. 

It made things easier for the moving crew, though. Nana was free to help Shelby with the sorting and packing while Patrick, Pop, and I did the lifting.

Patrick and Pop went to pick up the U-Haul. The gas station people recognized Patty and gave him a free trolley rental (Staunton's a small town). He drove it home and we went to work.

I didn't take many pictures, because we were on the move. Pop occasionally took a rest break and tried to count all of the times he's helped with moving in his life but it was a chasing of the wind.

Patrick was happy for the help. Moving is a lot of work.

I like parts of moving. The moving large items is a spatial game and purposeful exercise.

Patrick was laid back about the whole affair and would have been okay making multiple trips. Pop and I didn't want to stop until we had crammed the truck completely full. Shelby and Patrick will have to go back for cats, small items, and cleaning but we got all the big ticket items in.

We caravaned to the new house. Patrick in the truck, Dad in the Kia trying to figure out the weird stick shift with reverse on the left, and me in my Volvo.

The new house was only two miles down the road. Patrick turned up a steep hill and there was a moment I wondered what we'd find when we opened up the truck!

The weather was perfect for moving. It was slightly too cool for standing still.

Most of the move was straightforward. There were a few items we had to puzzle out a solution or two for. Like this chest of drawers.

It really didn't want to turn into the final door on the left!

The free trolley was instrumental in bringing in the washer and the dryer. Pop stayed to do the skilled work while Patrick and I kept ferrying things in.

We thought we were really clever with the washing machine. We brought it out of Patrick's apartment and tipped it over to drain out a chunk of the water. We would have been wise to check inside it. There was a load of wet clothes that added extra weight to the endeavor. We all laughed when we found out.

There was one exciting moment. Shelby called out, because Patrick's car was sliding out of the driveway. It was at a glacial pace (Thankfully), but they're going to have to be aware of the gravel and the grade from here on out.

Shelby and Nana worked in the house and on the cars. I spent most of my time on the truck, so I didn't get many pictures of them in action.

We met for brunch at 10:30 AM and finished moving around 3:15 PM. Or at least, Nana, Pop, and I finished. Shelby and Patrick had a lot of moving left to do to make their house comfortable to sleep in!

It was looking good, though. The floor plan was very similar to Igor's house growing up. There was a split level entry and big common rooms off to the right upstairs and down. 

Igor's house didn't have a deluxe cat tree, though!

It seems like a good spot. I hope Patrick and Shelby love living in their new home!

It was a windy drive home, but all the moving helped warm me up for the next style of moving that awaited me at the barn.

Anyway, love ya Patrick and Shelby! Until next time!

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