Thursday, September 17, 2020

Household Additions

"Barn cat" just means "delayed house cat" to Carrie.

I fell for it twice, but no more.

The kittens came inside to recover from being spayed and they haven't left.

And they get away with everything, because they're cute.

"You know, that's a terrible idea to allow," I said. "It's cute now, but that's a pain when they keep doing it."

My wisdom fell on deaf ears. I refused to pick up the mess. I don't know if Carrie or Shane did it in the end.

I know where my loyalties lie.

"Oh, hai. I'm in your picture!"

Shane and Carrie are both very pleased with having the pair in the house. Shane's less fond of the kitten poop (it's extra smelly), but it's not enough to convince him to side with the Barn Cat Coalition and kick them out!

The kittens immunity status is largely Tsuki's fault. Aria is cute and playful, but Tsuki wants to be a lap cat when she grows up. And the lap of choice is Carrie. 

She's very affectionate. Anytime Carrie sits down Tsuki is not long to follow. If Carrie goes too long in between sitting down, Tsuki will follow after her and call out.

And Carrie eats it up. She coos and giggles and her mirth is the only reason I'm not more sour on the interlopers.

And don't think for a moment I'm the only one taking pictures.

It's Carrie's favorite pastime. 

Many of the pictures here are hers! And these are just the ones I've decided to post!

I get frequent picture notifications whenever Tsuki is passed out on Carrie's lap.

And they get into everything.


Nothing is sacred or off limits save the bedroom. 

The older cats take the hint when you take them off the table or counter and put them on the ground. The kittens keep at it. They refuse to be dissuaded. 

Aria's been difficult with virtual school. If Tsuki's claimed Carrie, Aria seems to think she has a claim on me. Either that or she finds the feeling of the keyboard stimulating under her feet.

It's a good thing they get along with the other cats and Loki. 

I haven't given up on the idea of them being outdoor kittens.

They'll come with us when we do barn chores. Then they'll roam outside hunting and playing.

But they keep coming right back. We can make a kissing noise and the kittens take notice. They know they've got it good and they have no intention of sleeping in the barn again especially with the weather cooling.

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