Saturday, September 12, 2020

The New Soccer

Soccer in a pandemic? Sure.

Kids are the least likely to catch covid, soccer is outside, and Scottsville is sparsely populated. There's a total of 8 kids on Shane's team and only two teams in his age bracket.

I had to send an email with Shane's temperature before practice. Kids bring their own ball and can't touch anything with their hands during practice. The coach has to wear a mask and parents are supposed to stay distanced.

That left me in the car with my book.

"You can still watch me from the car!" Shane said.

"Don't count on it," I replied. "You go out there, do your best, and have fun whether I can see or not."

Not that I read all that much. I did watch some, but it's not like I could hear much of what was going on!

The commute was amazing, though. It was right near Shane's school!

Shane started to wilt partway through. He came up the hill saying he was hot and "wanted to throw up or pass out."

"You can't say that in a pandemic, kid," I said. "If you're super dramatic they won't let you come back. It's just the heat. Sit, rest, have a drink, and then get back out there. We'll head home in 15 minutes."

"I don't know if want to do soccer anymore. I don't like the heat."

That tune changed Saturday morning.

The weather is great at 8 AM!

Shane was really excited to be on a team.

He recognized some of the kids on the other team from school.

Shane played defense for most of the first half. The coach tried to put him on offense at one point, but he made it clear where he wanted to be!

The skill level was much lower than the big league, but the convenience and small population pool made SOKS the perfect league for us.

Shane must have told the coach he really wanted to be goalie at half-time. The team was losing 4-2.

Shane got his chance! The team lost 5-4 at the last minute, but that's fine with me. The two teams will be playing each other all season, so close games are a good thing!

I now have a reason to do some drills with Shane during the week. I could have forced them before, but now that he chose to do soccer.....

I'm looking forward to a healthy and fun season. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that Shane can be on a soccer team! This is wonderful news!

