Saturday, September 19, 2020

WoT Visitors

5 weeks passed between book club meetings. I'd hoped to see everyone before then (and maybe even get a board game on the agenda), but it didn't happen.

I texted the group, "Want to get together this weekend?"

Mark replied that he was "seeking permission," so I threw in "If it helps, bring the kid to the farm and my kid can help entertain!"

Mark said, "Do you want to go see horses?" was an easy sell!

I cleaned up the house to help sell it to Carrie. Loki and Shane didn't need any convincing! 

I brought Maddie in from the field, so that Hazel (7) could pet her. 

The real hit was Shane. Hazel's an only child, too, so she's been just as kid-starved as he has! They kidnapped Happy cat at first, talked a little Pokemon, but the fun kicked in to high gear when they realized they both liked Roblox.

They asked and I let them play so long as both of them were taking turns. When one got tired of clicking to earn money the other would take over. Mark said that Hazel wanted to grow up and be a YouTube commentator just like Shane! They were laughing and squealing for hours.

Meanwhile, the adults talked and played The Crew. I was happy to get a game in that even Carrie would play! You knew whenever Scott was the commander, because he'd pull out the Top Gun hat!

Tsuki was outside with us, but it was cold. She hid inside Carrie's poncho. Carrie was delighted and asked for a picture.

The kids played so well together that the visit rolled on and Carrie eventually grilled up burgers and hot dogs for everyone. I was worn out from being social by the time we called it quits.

"Can they come back tomorrow?" Shane asked.

Hazel liked the idea, too.

Hopefully, we won't go 5 weeks in between meetings next time! 

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