Friday, September 25, 2020

Post ideas...

I am constantly thinking of posts in my head. "This could make a fun story!" or "I feel this way about this. It's short and clear"

Two things tend to happen: I either never write the post or I start to write but 'short' and 'clear' are nowhere to be found!

Yesterday's post fell into the latter. "It's important to allow kids to makes choices. Because....and because this...and that....this, too....can't forget about.....oh boy."

I've got a good example of the former, too.

A few nights ago, Shane had Loki barking wild and Carrie had enough. 

"Each time he barks I'm sending you to bed a minute early!" she said.

Shane slumped on the couch. He wasn't happy about it, but he took the hint. 

Things calmed down.

Later I plopped down on top of Shane. It wasn't fast. It wasn't loud. It wasn't intended to make the dog bark, but Loki came running across the room broadcasting he wanted to join in.

"Uh oh! 1-2-3....I wonder how early I can get you to go to bed!" I said.

"What!?" Shane yelled. "You can't do that!"

"..7-8..He's looking pretty pumped! 12!" I laughed.

Shane looked me right in the eye. He looked unsure if he should laugh or protest.

Carrie looked up, too.

"What are you all doing!?"

"Nothing! I'm just laying here and smooshing Shane into the couch. He's not doing anything!"

Loki continued to bark.

And then Carrie took up the count.


But she was smiling.

By the end of it, Shane could have been sent to bed an hour early! We all had a laugh, Loki got out some energy, and the TV went on to wind down afterward.

And I feel like I could've told that story so much faster in person. But as is, it at least avoided being never written!

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