Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Carrie's 5th or 6th Surgery of our Marriage? (I've lost count).

Wednesday was the day of Carrie's knee surgery.

She sent me a few pictures as they prepped. I wasn't allowed in the building.

I started my first class of the day from the parking lot. Marcel took over after I started on the way home (It's good to have reliable co-workers!).

I bought flax seed on the way and came home to horse chores. Lilly had downed her fence, but was too intimidated to step over the lines or I might've had to go on a chase!

I did chores, rushed in to do 30 minutes of notes with my 2nd class, and then rushed back out to work more on the barn before heading Carrie's way. I was supposed to wait for the doctor to call, but got on the road when I never heard from then. It worked out in that I was on the road for 10 minutes when the nurse called to say, "She's ready."

The surgery went well. The doctor said, "You've been dealing with this for a while, haven't you?" when it was done. According to Carrie, the descriptive term he used was 'macerated.' 

Carrie was home and set up on the couch before long. She came off as tired rather than loopy. We put on massaging leg wraps to keep the blood circulating while she's immobile the next two days (save for bathroom trips).

I laughed at how she 'decorated' her knee. Having the patient label themselves is an old fashioned, but highly effective way to prevent mistakes. 

I spent half an hour with my final class before Carrie tasked me to switch out some blankets. 

And pick up messes (It's actually an old stain in Eowyn's stall, but it cracks me up she decided to go there. Makes it look explosive!).

I had the barn in top notch shape by the end of the day. We were scheduled to get some nasty weather, so it's smart to be prepared since the snow and ice prevent some of the work (and trust me, it builds up when it finally clears!).

Carrie has plenty of cats to keep her company on the couch.

Taking pictures of them is probably her second favorite pastime (Right after TV!).

Loki likes to sleep at the base of the couch where she is when I turn in for the night (technically, this pic is old).

I watched a lot of TV with Carrie to keep her company the next 24 hours. We went through the end of the 3rd and the entire 4th season of My Hero Academia. Carrie re-watched the Fruits Basket remake whenever I moved off to take care of something. 

The first shower is allowed after 72 hours. Carrie's allowed to move around more than just bathroom trips then, but it's still limited. Physical therapy starts Monday, weather permitting. It's gone well so far, but Carrie's going to be on crutches or limping around for weeks. She's looking forward to riding more come spring, though!

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