Thursday, February 4, 2021

Ladies' Trip

Grandma and Carrie rendezvoused in Culpeper for a road trip to Pennsylvania. Why?

To look at a horse (Of course!). Only, Carrie wasn't looking at this horse for herself, but for Grandma.

Grandma has been on a health journey through quarantine. She's made great gains and "riding a horse again" has become a new goal. 

Grandma has always liked horses. She's the enabler who started Carrie's addiction. She's spent the last several weeks researching and sending Carrie links of "potentials." Carrie's found something wrong with every single one until this one. Which meant only one thing: Road trip.

Carrie's not in the best shape right now. She's got a wrist in a brace and a bum knee scheduled for surgery. But she figured that was the perfect sort of shape to test ride a horse for her mom. "If she can handle me at my most broken..."

PA had a lot of snow left from the storm that moved through. The mare's owner wanted to meet at her neighbor's indoor ring. Carrie and Grandma spotted the woman riding along the rode on her horse while leading the mare behind!

Carrie and Grandma liked the mare so much that Carrie offered to ride her back home ("To help.").

Bonus picture: When they arrived at her farm, Carrie took a picture of some day-old lambs nursing.

The woman had to give Carrie a ride back, because Carrie wouldn't let Grandma drive the truck to pick her up!

So where does this lead? There might be a new horse coming to the barn. Grandma's already scheduled a vetting. Pockets heads out soon, so there'd be an opening. I'd hoped to pick up a new (paying) boarder, but as long as we're not the ones buying the horse I won't complain too much.

It was a good pandemic adventure. Carrie left the house at 6:30 AM and didn't get back till around 6:30 PM. It was probably similar for Grandma. They almost took Gay with them, but since it was a school day teachers had to teach!

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