Friday, February 12, 2021

Zooming Along

Marcel took a screen capture of me and made it his Zoom profile picture. I look mildly constipated. "I could've used the one where you were rubbing at your nose, but I'm too nice!"

I took a screenshot of him smiling and made it my profile pic in righteous retribution. It's been fun teaching with him.

Marcel teaches with one of the department chairs, as well, and she was laughing at our pictures during the department meeting Friday (Offices were closed, but meetings were still on!).

A lot of changes are in the pipeline. The school board voted to open schools up for Stage 4 (Hybrid) starting March 15th.

We talked a lot about it in the nearly 2 hour staff meeting later in the afternoon.

I may or may not have shown up to the staff meeting as Ricky Bobby.

And if I did, I definitely didn't respond to someone talking about shoveling their driveway with "If you didn't finish first, you finished last." 

And I definitely didn't log out when someone realized one of the 'teachers' was not like the other teachers.

I didn't want to distract from the meeting, so I quickly logged back in as my normal, mild-mannered self. I messed around with some Tametsi while absorbing all the changes that could change next week and again the week after. I experimented a little with Zoom as well to see how different parts of it worked to keep my brain busy, too.

It's good to know what's going on, but I don't think it's wise to fret over it too much when everyone keeps changing things before they're even implemented. 

At this point, I'm looking forward to students being back in school full time. Hybrid is a step on that path, but compared to virtual school I'm going to miss being at home some. It's been a tough season for many, but there have been perks to it (Just ask Shane about how much time he's spent with his cousins!).

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