Monday, June 26, 2017

Horse Town

Shane and I went with Carrie to check on Nibs. It's old hat for Shane now. He complained about the drive.

He enjoyed listening to Disney songs and running around the barn, though. 

He found all three cats (and they all found me).

Note: Natural sunlight doesn't aide pictures with broken cover glass.

Carrie gave Nibs her first bath.

Nibs was nervous and unsure about the whole procedure, but she did well. She was much more obstinate and worried about going in the round pen.

I took a much clearer picture with Carrie's phone.

Physically, Nibs is doing better, but not perfect. Carrie dropped off a fecal sample on Friday and Nibs has some sort of stomach bug (If it's not one thing...). 

Mentally, Nibs is a bit of a basket case. She trusts humans, but not other horses. When Sonya puts her out to pasture, she doesn't seek out her fellow equines. She begs to be let back into her stall. It's become a safe zone. So far the other horses either disregard her or bully her. We haven't found a companion horse to teach Nibs how to be a horse. 

Orphaned foals are a lot of work. Carrie trusts Sonya and Jeff implicitly, but it's enough of a drive I've asked Carrie if there's anywhere closer. No one wants to deal with an orphaned foal for a reasonable price near us that we've learned about. The drives will have to continue for at least several more months.

I opened up Pandora's Box by giving Shane a booster pack of Pokemon cards on the ride home. I wanted him to do something awesome so it'd be a surprise reward. He was okay, so I just gave them as entertainment for the ride home.

He's probably never going to stop begging for more.

He got a ~$12 fancy foil on the first try. Shane ooh'd and aah'd the whole way home.

We grabbed dinner in Lynchburg. We sure do scoot around.

Other horse note:

Carrie's trying to ride Korra more regularly now that she works from home. She built a little jump in the arena and we took Shane out for a ride once.

I don't know how regular Shane riding will be, but I'm all for it. It's a nice activity he can do with Mommy.

Hopefully, Shane will learn and behave enough Carrie gets comfortable enough to take him out there on their own. Neither of them have my sun or horse allergy.

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