Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Family Meet and Greet Wednesday

Nana and Pop took I81 S to return home. It was strategic, because Patrick lives right off of it. It was an easy drive for Shane and I west on Interstate 64 to join the party.

We got brunch!

Funny, but true story: Patrick almost worked at the restaurant we ate at. However, his trainer told him that he was working too hard and too fast. Patrick volunteered to help some other people roll silverware and everyone got to go home early the night he trained. His trainer told Patrick he needed to slow down if he wanted to to fit in. Somehow, it was disrespectful (aka - Patrick made the others look bad).

Patrick was smart not to accept the job.

The pancakes were great, though.

Patrick chose where we ate. He didn't have any hard feelings. In a bigger town, you can avoid places you've had a bad experience, but that's not as possible in small town life. Staunton is smaller than Charlottesville, so Patrick gets it more than me.

Patrick went to work after brunch. Nana, Pop, Shane, and I went to Gypsy Hill Park (to catch Pokemon if you asked Shane!).

Nana loved the ducks.

Shane loved the waterfalls.

There was something for everybody!

Funny moment with ducks. Shane yelled, "AAWWWW! THERE ARE BABIES OVER HERE!" (He's all caps loud-loud).

Moments later...

The pictures from Nana's phone are less hazy. 

We went up to the playground next. Shane roared until another little boy started to run and then they played Pokemon. 

I do my best to hang back and let the kids play, but sometimes Shane calls me to join in.

Shane played his heart out. He drained Nana's cell battery catching Pokemon, too. It wasn't enough for him to pass out on the ride home. Nowadays, he stays up more.

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