Monday, June 5, 2017

Draft Posts That Were Never Published: What D&D Class Are You? (2015ish)

I'd be a bard.

Yes, a bard.


It's ironic, because I have no musical talent. I sing off-key and I'm arrhythmic.

But I do so with gusto.

Nominally, I do know something about instruments, too. I have a guitar and learned some piano as a kid. I tried to pick up the trumpet in 6th grade, but Nana encouraged me to set it back down.

I am a jack-of-all-trades and love stories. My career is based around people skills. I'm closer to a rogue than a fighter. I'm agile and more fit than my size would suggest, but I'm not a large guy. Creative approaches to a battle would be the norm.

I love to learn, but I love novelty too much to dedicate myself to a single subject. I learned a few simple illusions as a kid. If there was real magic, I'd want to know some....which fits right into the bard mold again.

My faith is a huge part of my life and to quote Jesus, "Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all." I want to be a leader, but I view serving as the ideal way to lead. Not to me the glory. I want to support those around me and help them grow and be what they were meant to be....which is great as a support bard.

So yeah.


Bards rock.

But I'd rather be playing GURPS.

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