Thursday, June 1, 2017

Baseball Wrap-Up

Our final practice was Thursday.

Here comes a grounder, Shane! Get it!

Good job getting in front of it!

But use your glove next time.

Coach had the inspired idea to hit water balloons off the tee to celebrate.

I thought it was genius. There were some epic splashes. Sometimes it took a few tries, but everyone splished a balloon.

Shane was eager to try.

We had a game on Tuesday and another is scheduled for Saturday. Saturday *could* be our last game. Coach is trying to reschedule some of our rain-outs for next week, but there are no guarantees.

Tuesday was pretty much a standard game save the head coach wasn't there. All the assistant coaches knew the drill.

There was one new wrinkle.

Always better to go before a game! I was extra happy we weren't rained out, because it was our turn to bring snacks.

Cross that off the checklist. It's been a fun and successful season. I've enjoyed helping out. Hopefully, Shane will keep up his new friendships beyond the season.

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