Saturday, June 17, 2017

Beach 2017 - The End

Shane cried when it was time to go. We left early - almost right after getting up. We stopped for Chic-Fil-A on the way out to help.

Shane took a nap and woke up an hour down the road. He must have felt better, because I've never seen anyone so excited about a rest stop (before AND after taking care of their business, at least).

We made the return journey in record time. 

Mommy was happy to us!

Carrie wanted to let Shane stay up late to see the fireflies. He had an easier time of it than she did.

I honored her wish and Shane and I went out to catch lightning bugs while Carrie snoozed.

Is it just me, or is it harder to track them when you're older? I crouched down to try and spot them better. Shane caught more than I did.

He has a certain level of exuberance that helps. He slept soundly, too!

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