Thursday, June 15, 2017

Beach 2017 - Day 6

Rise and shine for bubbles!


Shane must miss Carrie, because he started to try and snuggle alternative moms. Billy got jealous in this pic.

Pop likes to snuggle, too. Only he does it differently.

Shane couldn't hide well enough from him!

Nana turned on the TV in her room and captured the attention of a few.

Evelyn discovered Labyrinth. The boys trickled out of Nana's room and it became a popular attraction.

I don't care if the kids play with my games. Board games are meant to be played! I think they're a fun learning tool.

All of the kids liked to build.

Shane wanted a picture of this one, because it kept collapsing (to Cole's amusement).

Shane worked on a puzzle while Renee played Solitaire later on.

We all went as a unit to the water park again. Shane hopped in the indoor pool first.

Then he ran out into the sun.

The turd ran off into the splash park and then circled back and hopped in the outdoor pool without me. We talked and set a rendezvous point in case he ever did lose me in the splash park. He swam up a storm. We worked on doing flips underwater until the others joined us. He's improved a ton, but not to the point I'd feel safe to let him be on his own.

There was one moment where Shane swam over to Cole and grabbed on. I don't know if he realized Shane's floaties wouldn't support them both or if he was trying to dunk the kid, but they both went under! Cole wailed and Shane watched from "time out." Lesson learned!

B went down a slide on his own (possibly the first time?).

Megan ran around a few seconds later to retrieve him as he came out.

He was not happy. She was amused!

Shane would have happily sprayed him as he got out.

B wasn't there when Shane discovered the water sprays, so he sprayed random children instead.

No one got mad, but if they did: Good luck finding Shane. The kid was all over the place.

We went on the lazy river together, before stopping for a PBJ. Shane wanted the coconuts to dump water on his head.

Shane's gotten so confident in the water I was half-afraid he was going to jump in after some geese on the walk home.

Evelyn may be a future board gamer. She really took a shine to Labyrinth. I set the board up so that there were paths all over. Then I'd show her a card and move my piece through the maze to it. She'd flip over a card and put a piece on the tile without moving through the maze, but she at least got part of what I was up to.

I piqued her interest when I turned some of the cards into bridges later. She mimicked me. Her ability to speak is limited, but her ability to understand does not seem to be. I wonder if she'll be the only one willing to sit down and play a game when all the kids are older (and probably running and causing havoc!).

Evelyn's other passion seems to be playing with dolls. Ka and Renee spent some time imaging with her. Ka said that Cole always wants to know "Who's the bad guy?" when Evelyn plays tea party or the like.

Random: I don't know how Matt was able to read any sort of story with the kids running around. I can manage news articles and texts, but anything immersive? Impossible. Or maybe The Three Body Problem is that good. It's piqued my interest now.

Stu and I tried to get the kids to play some soccer outside. They were more interested in goofing off than anything sport like.

And then it rained water balloons.

All of the kids were into the throw stuff at the dads game!

Stu took the brunt of the water balloons. I spent the next chunk of time throwing the soccer ball up on the porch while the kids threw it back down at me. It went on long past the point my neck was stiff from looking up!

We went down to the playground again to wear the kids out for bed. There were a lot more kids on the evening shift. Shane ran right past a football game without a second thought.

Instead, he roared at all of the kids climbing around until someone ran from him. The chase was on!

Shane bonded with one boy and they started to play fight and spew sound effects as they ran around. They could have been ninjas, pokemon, or whatever for all I know. I kept an eye open in case of any accidents. The boy's mom said something after a little bit to stop it. Apparently, he got in trouble for the play fighting in preschool.

There was another little boy that kept roaring at Shane, but Shane seemed so intent on his own game he didn't notice. The boy didn't seem unhappy, so I didn't intervene. If I thought Shane was intentionally snubbing him, I'd have said something, but I try to stay back and let Shane be Shane (the goal is always for a kid to gain a healthy independence and not to helicopter).

There wasn't much room on the golf cart, so I had to race the kids back on foot.

They happily passed me on the home stretch jeering all the way.

And we happily put them all to bed!

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