Friday, June 8, 2018

First Day of Summer....and there's a TEST!?

First day of summer!.....for Shane at least. I still had about an hour's worth of work to do. Carrie drove to Richmond to meet a client and Shane dropped by school with me. I got him breakfast and took him by the library afterward.

I had hoped Shane would try the superhero mask making activity, but he refused. He wanted to read, so I let him.

That's what libraries are for, right? We bumped into his teacher, Ms. Fenton (ne Morrison), too! First day off from school and she can't escape her students.

I took Shane home for a snack and to get ready for Taekwando next.

Shane earned his blue stripe for forms last Saturday. That made him eligible for test.

The problem was: Shane doesn't know his form. I get that he's seven and progress kids gain confidence, but I figured he should at least know the steps before I let him test. We tried to practice some at home, but Shane wasn't very motivated.

So he didn't test. I told him that I didn't want to pay $45 for him to test if he wasn't going to take it seriously.

I don't think it bothered him much. The mirrors are one of the highlights of classtime for him.

I did't want to make a big deal about it, but I hope Shane was a little disappointed. Then I hope he deals with the disappointment by putting some effort in, improving, and succeeding! The instructors may have pushed Shane along, but I want Shane to learn how to earn.

Maybe Shane can test next week or next month. Form practice can fill 5-10 minutes each summer day.

Shane did well while some of the other kids tested. There was a lot of talking and he mostly contained himself.

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