Friday, June 15, 2018

Summer TKD

Friday was another recovery day for me. I mostly laid around the house. I took Shane to TKD to get him some peer social interaction.

ADHD Moment: There's a statue of a stuffed chicken in the car I parked next to.

They were busy! Summer camp looked popular.

It was a much smaller class size. I can't remember them ever making a temporary wall before. We've been working on his form all week and he's way better at it. He didn't get a chance to show off yet, because it was board breaking week.

Shane wanted to climb after class.

Anything and everything.

Fine by me.

My squirrel!

He made it up on his own, too.

We entertained a few passer-bys.

Saturday Update: I took Shane to TKD again. We're going to miss it next week. This was a preemptive catch-up. Plus, I think it helps to do it two days in a row to reinforce the day before.

Shane did a great job on his form and broke his board on the first attempt! There were only a three kids, so Master Instructor Kang was on top of Shane whenever he goofed off. I loved it. Shane is amazingly capable when he's focused. He needs the accountability and it's easier to get away with stuff when there are more kids.

Master Instructor Kang is low-key, hilarious. He brought out a pad for kids to punch.

"Easy or hard?" Kang asked.

Easy meant he called out 1 or 1-2 for punches. Hard meant he whacked you in the head.

"Hard, sir!" Shane yelled.


"Easy, sir!"

I about died laughing. 

The kids were supposed to block or dodge. One kid was successful, so he swiped at his shins next. Funny stuff!

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