Sunday, June 3, 2018

Random Sunday Highlights

Still rainy.

After church, Shane wanted to balance on the bike racks (again). He gets it from me. I talked to him about having a 'T' base to be more stable.

Corran is walking around with her tail feathers up now that she and Shay have a new buddy (The feathers up are natural for the new hen). I suspect it's Corran's way of announcing she's the boss. She was put in 'time-out' in the other pen a while back for being aggressive with the silkies. Carrie threw Shay in to keep her company.

Post car rides, Shane is usually slow to get out of the car. He'll start to read something and I'll get out, take a picture of the chickens, walk around, and go inside. He'll still be sitting there when Carrie says, "Wait a minute....where's Shane!"

Carrie watches TV when she works. I normally turn it off when Shane and I show up. I've been exhausted from work and Sunday's a day of rest, though, so I left it on.

I did change it from Carrie's Log Horizon to the original Addams Family.

I had arranged a play date for Shane with Sam midday. It was pouring rain, but the boys were so 'lively' Paul let them run around in the mud outside. I laughed. These are Shane's dried shoes.

I would have loved to have hung out, helped and talked with Paul some, but Carrie had another task lined up. She had sold our mattress topper online and wanted me home to help with the pickup.

Shane wanted to show Carrie a game on ABCya when he got home. Unexpectedly, SHE got into it.

Then there was Pokemon.

And suddenly, it was bed time and the weekend was over.

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