Friday, April 5, 2019

Cruising 2019: Last Day at Sea

Shane loves funny pictures. Things like bunny ears never grow old for his tastes.

Unless someone else sneaks them on him!

Shane and I ended up at breakfast with Nana and Pop only my gut was acting out. While I took another emergency pit stop, they hopped in line for bumper cars. I met up with them and we went for a morning spin.

Nana in the red car.

Shane and I in the green. He was the driver. I was the tactical adviser.

I love this set of pictures. Shane and I were all grins as we moved in for the hit.

We clocked Nana between 7 and 8 o'clock and spun her other end into the barrier for a physical and emotional jarring impact that changed my grin into a grimace.

I felt guilty, but Shane reveled in the glory of the massive collision! He skipped off the court when we were done.

Thankfully, Nana came out none the worse for wear.

Shane and I slid off to do our thing. He went to Adventure Ocean and I checked in on Carrie. Carrie and I finally got around to playing a board game I'd brought just for the trip called Fog of Love (It's supposed to simulate a TV romantic dramedy).

Nana and Pop hit the climbing wall. I've been impressed with them throughout the trip. Pop's always been capable, but when you're over 60 you get an extra nod.

Nana never would have done any of these things when I was a kid. When we went skiing, she sat in the lodge by the fire with a book and got to know anyone who sat in earshot.

I wanted to do the climbing wall myself, but it was either closed or had a tremendous line whenever we walked by.

I lifted a few photos from Nana's phone.

They took Shane swimming and to a magic show.

I wish I had A) seen the magic show and B) had pictures of it, but you can't have everything.  That helps you appreciate what you do get.

A common thought I have on any adventure is "What is life like for the people who live here?" A cruise ship seems like the height of luxury, but it's also a fascinating place where people from all over live and work together. The passengers are just passing through their world.

Our server in the main dining room, Dalas, was from India. He had just returned from shore leave with his family and hoped to work his way back up to a specialty dining room (Someone had moved up into his position while he was ashore). He said that he worked for 7 months straight and then got 10 weeks off. 

Our other server was from Mexico and a newlywed. She and her husband had managed to get on the same boat, but they didn't share a room. They were on a waiting list to get a couple's cabin, but really only had about an hour a day of free time to share! Yet, they were both happy being on the ship and the opportunity it presented. 

Our iFly instructor was from Trinidad and Tobago. He had "The Lion King" on his helmet, but the other instructors called him "Black Magic." He joked they were both his names, but it was hard to go back and forth! 

Our room attendant was named Jesika and I believe she was from Jamaica. She got a little annoyed that Carrie didn't want room service the first few days and eventually said something about it! I felt bad that she scrubbed our toilet daily while my guts were acting up.

The woman at the trapeze and North Star was from the UK and her name slips my mind (I am writing this 2 weeks later...). She talked about her time on NCL and how RC treated their employees much better. She had no regrets about switching lines. She also spoke highly of the captain and his history and how he had the ability to socialize with his employees and put them at ease. Apparently, he enjoyed the iFly in his time off and was known to work with the trainers so that he could do all sorts of aerial acrobatics.

We didn't meet the captain, but Grandma and Grandpa did. There was a meet and greet forum where the Captain and various members of the upper staff answered a wide variety of questions. 

Small bit of trivia: The 'highway' along the bottom spine of the ship is called "I-95." Grandma mentioned it to me first and then I confirmed it by spotting a street sign when we were offloading in CocoCay!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the pics and reading about your vacation! Looked like an awesome cruise ship! Cole says he wants to go on a cruise!
