Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Cruising 2019: Nassau, Bahamas

Sunrises are pretty over the water. 

Nassau was a jaunt south and a little east from CocoCay. We arrived early and we woke up early for our tour.

Grandma, Grandpa, Carrie, Shane and I hopped on a ferry (with hundreds of other people) to Blue Lagoon Island. Nana and Pop chose to sleep in.

We had great seats with one downside: They were right next to the horns (That was a surprise!).

We spent half an hour floating past homes of the rich and famous as Carrie did her best to keep her breakfast down.

We arrived at the island and and Carrie and Shane immediately pulled a Carrie and Shane.

They greeted the resident cat.

We didn't dilly dally long, because we had an appointment to keep.

Shane, Carrie, and I were scheduled to meet a sea lion.

Grandma and Grandpa tagged along to watch and take pictures.

Only they weren't paying attention and missed all of our sea lion photo ops! There was some music playing up where they were and I didn't want really belt out and cause any sort of commotion.

For the low cost of $17 (Yikes! Though, Carrie thought it was priceless), there was one photo we bought to keep.

"Oh, come one! That's adorable!" Carrie said. "You know how hard it is to get our son to do a natural smile! Look at that!"

It was less personal than it looked, but it was still really impressive. The animals were impeccably trained.

We got in the water for a closer another encounter and demonstration (Which was 'brisk' to put it politely).

Our sea lion was a 7 year old female.

She dived and soared through the water in front of us. She put up her rear flippers, so we could touch and see her toenails. She opened her mouth in our faces and we saw she had black teeth.

There was a shoe with jokes and tricks to mix in with the educational piece. Interesting 101 stuff.

Meanwhile, Shane was thrilled to see there were tiny fish in the water. He would have left the platform to swim after them if I hadn't restrained him! He loved the sea lion, but whenever she left proximity his mind swam after the closer creatures.

There was a poster of the movie Andre up Shane was very curious about until we walked by the dolphins. There was a dolphin encounter where two dolphins would swim up and push you by the feet until you hydroplaned! Shane wanted to do that next!

Instead, we found a beach area with some inflatable obstacles. I was in the water, so I don't have any pictures. Carrie didn't take any, because we nearly gave her a panic attack bouncing down 15 foot slides into the water! Grandpa took some pictures of us, but he hasn't posted them for me to download.

The original plan had been to see the Sea Lions and then return to the ship for lunch. I wanted to walk around the city some with Shane afterward.

The plan was thwarted when we found out we were trapped on the island. The first ferry to leave didn't pull out until 2:30 PM. Our sea lion encounter had started at 9:30 AM.

Shane would have loved to stayed in the water longer, but my skin was at its limit and no one else volunteered. We had a more expensive, nacho lunch that we planned (but the tour group clearly had) and made sure to get on the first boat out!

It was neat seeing the cruise ships as we pulled up and past them. The North Star was extended, so we saw exactly how high we were when we did it. It would have been neat to look out over Nassau.

I would have liked to have toured the streets some, but Shane and I were clearly the only ones with that sort of energy (That's my boy!). I needed to re-up on sunscreen anyway, so I did my best to stick to shadows on the way back. I didn't want to be one of those people who gets stupid sunburned to the point they look like a miserable lobster. (Maybe that's why some of those people down so much alcohol shipside? To drown out the pain and go numb? Seems like a poor solution that can make the problem worse in new ways to me).

Shane went to play Minecraft and play in Adventure Ocean until dinner while Carrie and I spent some time on our own.

Shane went back to Adventure Ocean after the meal. Or maybe he went with Nana and Pop that day? I can't recall exactly. They tried to take him to a music show at one point and dropped him off at Adventure Ocean when he was not amused. 

Carrie's been working on the trip and I've spent more time farting around on a computer game than I thought I would (I beat the Grand Campaign as Bretonnia as a kill time more than a burning passion. With no internet, my options were limited).

We were tired after an active morning, so there's no harm in downtime. Shane's going to remember this cruise for a long, long time.

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