Sunday, April 14, 2019

Funday Sunday

Shane was inspired from our game with John.

He built a Catapult of his own! Of course, I sent John a picture.

A different John can by with his kids later on. Now that our house is under contract with the inspection complete, we can have people over some. Really, there's only a few chances left for Shane's friends to see our house before we move.

Dylan was shocked we had a basement.

The boys started off with some SNES. Shane wanted to play Street Fighter 2 Turbo. He picked Dhalsim and did his best to cheese Eli into a fit.

I switched it to a co-op game, Kirby (It'd worked well with Henry and he's Eli's age). The older boys lost interest and went up stairs to Minecraft.

Eli was hooked. He stayed on that game for a couple of hours. Most of the time, his dad was his support and cheerleader.

John managed to sneak up and talk a little with the adults in between, though. Dylan started to try and watch Youtube and then Solo on his tablet, so Carrie had me redirect him. I got him interested in You Vs Wild on the TV (Shane's been enjoying it lately).

There was a lot more electronics than I normally like, but it was with friends. Plus, all the adults were tired! The kids enjoyed themselves and then John scooped the boys up to take them home around dinner.

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