Saturday, May 11, 2019

Another Successful Saturday

I agreed to coach Shane's soccer game on Saturday, but Paul beat me there and had already started. He knows more than me about soccer, so I was happy to fall into the role of assistant. 

It was a solid game with a final score of 4-4. There were good plays on both sides of the field.

Shane got to play goalie for a little bit. A long kick bounced in front of them and then over his head and out of reach for a score. He jumped and tried, but he's a little man protecting a large net. I'm surprised being a goalie has stuck, but he's owned it. I want to make him do something this summer to give him a little training if he's going to continue, but I don't know what that is.

Carrie requested we visit Samwise with her. There were dogs at the barn in Powhatan and one really liked to lick.

Who's Samwise you ask? Carrie's new horse, of course. His name was originally Hudson, but she's renamed the younger, half-draft cross gelding she's acquired to be Nibs' future barn mate.

Shane made friends while Carrie treated Samwise's ear and prepped him for a ride.

Shane showed some interest and got to pet Samwise.

Carrie hopped on Samwise for a quick ride.

It was raining, but there was a covered arena.

Shane showed an awful lot of interest in the electric fence. I could hear it humming.

If he really wanted to check the charge, he would have been in for a shock.

I wouldn't have stopped him either. I warned him up front I thought it was live.

Shane touched it with a blade of grass and said he felt a tingle, but never truly tested it.

He did try some jumps of his own.

Here is where we got in trouble with Carrie. There was  a trampoline near the arena and some horses in a field. We'd been there for a little while and Shane was trying to stay entertained. The trampoline was near horses and everything, so I figured "Must be okay."

It wasn't. Carrie saw us and said, "Make him stop."

I asked if she was sure and then started to tell Shane to knock it off. He complied fairly quickly, but not instantly. I thought Carrie might be being overcautious, but figured horses were her world.

Carrie was right.

It may not have been the bouncing, but Samwise visibly flinched as Shane climbed out. Carrie and Samwise were over 50 ft away and I saw it. He seemed skittish to my untrained eye.

Carrie certainly felt it and dismounted. She walked Samwise over to the trampoline to try and introduce it to him, but he recoiled a little when they got near. She got him to examine for a moment before walking him back to the barn.

Carrie was not happy with us.

Lesson learned.

We returned home via Scottsville to check out the construction of our new homestead.

Progress had been made since the last time I was there.

Carrie took Shane in for a walk-around.

Everything was wet from all the rain. Roofs help with that, but ours wasn't up yet!

The ground behind the house had been leveled to prepare for the barn and arena.

It was highly muddy. My feet felt like they weighed an extra couple of pounds after a few minutes.

We ended a packed day with going to the movies.

Originally, Carrie bought tickets for a matinee showing. She'd done this weeks before. At the time, I'd said I wasn't sure I wanted to see the movie. We never really discussed it further and I ended up volunteering to coach (See the top of this post!). 

We went back and forth when we realized the conflict. I was going to coach regardless of Shane went to the game or the movie, but Carrie managed to change the tickets to an evening showing.

Shane loved it.

It wasn't terrible either. I wouldn't have ever gone to see it on my own, but Shane's joy and some good lines made it a fun time ("I'm great at being alone at night!" "Have you ever talked to a woman before?").

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