Monday, May 6, 2019

Farewell, Coach Rahul

Today was the last practice for Coach Rahul. He's graduating from UVA and leaving town. 

The practice started off the same as many others: Kids played around, kicked goals, made farting noises, and played around. I would have liked to have seen more teaching, but it's impossible to deny the boys had a lot of fun.

We've had a funny rotating roster. There's one kid, Rocky, who I see at every game but never at practice. There's another kid, Abdullah, who came late, practiced a few times and came to a game, and then disappeared until today. We've recruited younger siblings to fill out our game roster!

Coach Rahul had the kids practice penalty kicks after they saw a pair for the first time over the weekend.

Then it was time for the weekly scrimmage. It was 3 on 3 today. As usual, Shane had zero interest in crossing the midfield line. He squawked, walked, and tried to shrink the goal when no one was looking.

I was half paying attention, but my ears perked up when I heard Shane spell out "A-S-S." He's learned some vocabulary over the past month at school and he seemed eager to share it.

In unrelated news, I've finally plowed through most of my blog backlog. I didn't plan to post a practice update every time, but the pictures help fill space, tell the tale, and trigger my memory. Makes for easier writing. I was an average of 16 days behind for a while, but now I'm within 4 days of current. Huzzah!

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