Wednesday, May 29, 2019

School Troubles

While on the way to the dentist, Shane dropped a "By the way," of by-the-ways to Carrie. I thought she did a good job writing it up, so I'm stealing her post and putting it here.

Rarely do I post this often, but in this case I feel compelled to. This morning I spent the better part of a hour with my son's elementary school principal. Shane was jumped/attacked by a group of kids. Why? Because...... he was trying to save a frog. 

Shane found a frog in the sun and scooped it up to put it back into the woods in a marshy area he had seen before. At first he was surrounded by kids asking to see it..... then asking to have it..... then came the bribes ("if you let me have it, I'll give you something")..... then came the threats ("give me the frog or I'll punch you")...... then came the physical attacks. Shane was tripped, punched, kicked, sworn and cussed at. Although he cried out for help, he kept letting himself be hit. Why? Because he refused to stop protecting the frog because he was afraid of what they'd do to it.

The school is mid investigation and one child has already been removed from his class. Two weeks of school left and this is the memory my son will have when he leaves. I hurt as a parent. I hurt as a mom. But at the same time I couldn't be MORE PROUD of my son! He protected that little frog and stayed true to himself. I love you, Shane. You're my hero.

I let Shane know I was proud of him for doing what he felt was right regardless of what the odds were against him. "You're my brave boy!"

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