Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Phone Upgrade

Carrie upgraded her phone, so I got a hand-me-down. I went from an S5 to an S8. 

I would have happily stuck with the S5 if Carrie hadn't insisted and done everything for me. She upgraded to an S10e.

The most fun part was when Carrie came by my school to deliver the phone and tinker on it. A few of the kids were shocked to see I really had a wife. "I'm his favorite," one kid said. "Nah! It's me!" said another.

One of the girls said, "Your wife's pretty."

"I think she's hot!" was my reply.

A coworker also complimented Carrie and I said, "I married up!"

I tried to say something to a few boys along the lines of I thought it was a man's job to give his family the best first, but let's just say their interest in the matter had lapsed by then.

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