Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

We got out of the house for Memorial Day. We got to see our kittens, again! Max was the adventurous one as usual. She hasn't figured out how to use the cat door, though.

Bucket saw us and hid under the couch for a while to make sure we weren't some sort of phantasms or ghouls. She eventually got curious enough to see if we were real (or did she get scared enough of being under the couch and retreat to us?).

This guy was desperate to get his hands on Grandma's tablet, but I was the party-pooper .

Grandma and Carrie were talking up a storm, so Shane and I played some Citadels.

He later went on to destroy Grandma for a few rounds! I was careless with the TV on and he almost put me on the ropes with a bold move save for being just off with his placement! I was suitably impressed. He was suitably frustrated. I chastened him for the attitude and he finished the game grudgingly (I didn't go easy after that close call!).

Shane did get his fishing wish answered.

Grandpa thought it'd be too hot for the fish to bite, but we got some action immediately. Shane literally found a fish stuck at the water's edge he threw back in the water! While he fiddled with it, Grandpa dropped the line in the water for a test run and caught a fish seconds later!

It slowed down greatly after the initial bounty.

Shane did manage to find another fish flopping around. I don't remember if it was pushed up by bigger fish competing for bread or if it fell off the hook.

I remember it was a "preschool fish," because I've got picture evidence.

Hopefully it's brain hasn't developed enough to remember the drops.

Or the flight home......all potentially emotionally scarring.

Shane spent the last half hour running up and down looking for black-tipped tails that signified baby bass. I tried to stick to the shade.

Meanwhile, Carrie and Grandma worked and enjoyed cat company. Carrie wanted to try to get our cats out of quarantine and integrated. Bucket only popped out for some momentary affection before retreating back to her safe space.

Max was more determined. Boo was not pleased. There were some active moves to establish a pecking order. Boo seemed to be on top, but Max would retreat and then pop around a different way to explore. It seemed like she was wearing Boo down from persistence rather than aggression!

We all went to an Italian restaurant for dinner on our way out. I was so glad we got out of the house and made some meaningful memories!

Funny side story:

Grandma, Grandpa, and Carrie were all standing by Bucket 1 and saying their farewells. They weren't quick about it and Shane spotted a tree on a median in the parking lot.

"Dad?" He asked expectantly.

"Go for it."

Shane was up in the tree having a good time when the trio noticed him. "What's he doing?" "Oh! Come down, honey!" "Don't climb in parking lots!"

I thought it was a great diversion that kept him out of the road, but I was outnumbered! Ha! We left right after, so I thought it worked out well enough timing-wise!

In my childhood, Nana would have let all of us climb until it looked like a Christmas tree with kids for ornaments. Then she would have said something to "It's time to go! I'm leaving without you," or "Be quick or if the fall doesn't get you, I will!"

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