Friday, May 24, 2019

Tell the Truth!

Shane has a tendency to embellish.

It bothers me.

He'll tell me a long story or some sort of 'fact,' and I'll ask "What's your source?" A few pointed questions reveal when he's talking out of his posterior and it's more often than I would like.

The question is: How do you teach your kid to ask questions? Especially, to ask them instead of making up a story to make it sound like you know what you're talking about?

I'm still working on that one.

Maybe it's a phase, but Shane vastly prefers to tell rather than listen. His 'listening' is sometimes just being quiet while you talk so he can formulate what he was planning on saying regardless of how the conversation may have shifted.

I'm pretty sure I had some funny story when I typed in the title for this post, but that was five days ago.

1 comment:

  1. Shane gets the embellishing/exaggerating/creative talking/fudging the truth from his great grandmother, so it must be genetic. I only learned to be truthful after marrying your dad. Before that, I thought it was hard to be interesting without embellishing a story. hahaha
