Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Purge

It started Wednesday. Carrie decided to do a deep cleaning and purge.

She purged all the outdated magazines and travel brochures she could find and had Shane and I load them in the Bucket 1 for a recycling center run.

There were only so many obvious things she could purge before she needed to talk to Grandma and Grandpa, though. Carrie wanted the cleaner and leaner house to be a surprise, homecoming gift, so she had to draw the line before she really wanted to. 

There are plenty of daily chores. Shane got to learn how to scoop a new type of litter.

And he practiced some stretching and acrobatics to access it!

Carrie designed a box to hold Boo's litter and prevent it scattering all over the floor whenever she covered her business. So far, it's working well!

The cats haven't helped. Boo throws up daily.

Every now and then I find a crusty spot that happened in the night or went unnoticed in the day. 

Carrie's done some vacuuming and cobweb clearing, but there's still work to be done. I find it hard to get in a dishes and laundry routine here since it's temporary, but I need to work on that. 

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