Sunday, June 30, 2019

Williamsburg to Richmond

Our health insurance ran out today, so Carrie bit the bullet and agreed to go to a doctor. She's had a sore throat and lost her voice all week. The nearest Urgent Care was in Williamsburg. Carrie made the appointment Saturday night, but when the alarm went off Sunday morning she was groggy and didn't seem safe to drive.

Naturally, Shane and I escorted her. We made the 8 AM appointment and dropped her off. Shane and I picked up bagels while we waited for Carrie to get done. Then we all had breakfast while we waited for the pharmacy to open (The doctor thought it was viral, but gave us a prescription "just in case" in morphed into something more). 

We had planned to go to the church in Providence Forge we've made our "New Kent Church," but we were now leagues away. Ironically, we stopped at a church between services that was a Pokemon gym.

Shane noticed it at breakfast and it was on the way to the pharmacy.

We took Carrie home to rest, but then Shane and I hit the road again! This time we drove west to Richmond!

Kim and Ryan had just gotten back from a vacation. They'd celebrated their anniversary on the west coast. We had lunch at Wendy's and Ryan showed Shane his Pokemon Go collection and taught him how to play the Harry Potter follow-up.

We went to Wal-Mart on the way home (That's a lot of W's.....West....Wendy's...Wal-Mart...). Ryan and Shane led the charge, while Kim and I talked and spotted some oddities.

I started to send pictures back to Carrie.

A certain movie always comes to mind...

Image result for jurassic park you didn't think

We discovered a robot while picking around.

The name triggered an Ouran reference I knew Carrie would enjoy.

It seemed to be built for scanning the shelves.

Shane followed it around for an aisle or two before we made him move along.

When we got back to Ryan and Kim's house, Ryan was eager to mow. Shane was eager to

But before that there was a moment. Ryan was outside. Kim and I were talking and Shane ran into the bathroom. There was a thud, but I didn't think much of it.

Shane ran out of the bathroom and said, "DAD! I had a pee accident! I was peeing and I slipped and fell and couldn't stop!"

I couldn't keep a straight face. I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. The image of Shane slipping on his back and peeing straight up into the air! You can't make this stuff up.

I know it embarrassed him, but once I was done laughing we took off his shirt, put it on the front porch to dry, and got some paper towels to clean up. I'm sure Shane learned a lesson! He shrugged it off and he'll laugh about this at some point (I'm still laughing as I write this!).

I got to pitch in for a moment before Ryan and Shane started to mow. Ryan's got a bad back, so I climbed into the crawlspace to turn on the water for the sprinkler system.

Which Shane ran straight into after I told him not to. Thankfully, it's hot enough to quickly dry off t-shirts and little boys.

Shane took a break from running around to show Ryan and Kim's neighbor the wart on his foot.

Ryan and Shane had fun mowing. That tone may change when it's Shane's job to mow our farm, but it's a delight right now!

Kim had work Monday and they still needed to unpack, so Shane and I left around dinner time.

Today was a perfect example of how I don't feel like there needs to be a special activity to visit people. It's fun just to be around and live life with them. We ate, talked, shopped for groceries, and did yardwork....and it was fun! 

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